Wellington Home Staging

The market in Wellington provides a steady supply of property options for home buyers. This means that regardless of which suburb is their preference, they have choices. What this means for home sellers is that you have to do something a little extra to really stand out.

Anyone can put furniture in a house. What our Wellington based team offers that is unique is a team with design degrees, design experience, and a true understanding about what Wellington home buyers are looking for. We can help make your property POP!

Why Evoke Home Staging?

Presentation is everything and you only have one chance to make a first impression. How your property is presented to potential buyers can be the difference between several offers and no offers. The reality is, if a buyer has three properties to choose from that all tick the boxes for them they will offer on the property that they feel the greatest emotional attachment to, the one they feel they can't live without.

An empty house doesn't feel like a home. An empty bedroom leaves people wondering if they can fit their queen bed in there. Home staging is a huge part of creating that emotional attachment to a property. It's hard for an empty house to leave a buyer saying wow as they open the door. One that has been staged with premium furniture from top suppliers gives it that wow factor and makes it feel like a home.

Trust our qualified team at Evoke Home Staging to help you bring out the very best in one of your largest investments.